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SIDÉN HEDMAN DUO - Tour to Brazil, April 10-19, 2014


Tour to Brazil

April 10-19, 2014

Sidén Hedman duo goes to Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro to do concerts and the sound instalation Double Bind Player.

Concert dates:

April 11 at 18:00 - CPFL cultura in Campinas - opening of the sound instalation Double Bind Player.

April 12 at 20:00 - CPFL cultura in CampinasConcert with pieces for piano and electronics by Sidén Hedman duo. -

April 13 at 18:00 - USP - Concert with pieces for piano and electronics by Sidén Hedman duo.

April 14 at 20:30 - SPET - Concert with electroacoustic music by Sidén Hedman duo.

April 17 at 18:00 - UNIRIO - Concert with pieces for piano and electronics by Sidén Hedman duo.

Economic support by Swedish Arts Council.

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